The Ecumenical Movement is a movement of men, churches, parachurch organizations and church councils that strives to unite all churches that claim to be “Christian,” whether Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Pentecostal or Evangelical. While the ecumenical movement originally sought to unite only professing Christian churches, today a strong emphasis is placed upon the unification of all religions – Christian and non-Christian. Initially, the ecumenical movement intended to forge a visible organizational or institutional unite of all churches. However, the emphasis of the ecumenical movement is now upon a “unity by consensus” or “unity in diversity” model, that is, a unity in which those of all religious persuasions are now urged to retain their own religious or denominational identities while uniting around a common cause or belief. In the United States, key proponents of the ecumenical movement include the World Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches, the Charismatic Movement and evangelical movements such as the Promise Keepers Movement, Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT) and any other individuals, churches or parachurch organizations that seek to minimize Biblical doctrine (truth) in an effort to find common cause with those who preach a false gospel or teach false doctrine. Grace Bible Church unequivocally renounces the attitudes and actions of those who embrace or propagate ecumenism and will not be a part of any such endeavor.